Our weekly social club which is aimed at the over 50’s and offers a variety of activities to engage with lonely and vulnerable members of our local community and runs from 10.00 am for two hours each Wednesday.

Hear from our members via this link:  https://youtu.be/wsVP3P34FFY

Loneliness affects a lot of people – there are over 7 million single households in the Uk and it can have a bit of a stigma attached to it but in all honesty can suddenly happen through a basic change in personal circumstance and not just through the obvious ones such as bereavement , job loss, retirement or family moving away. It’s the simple things like being afraid of going out in case you are caught short because there are no more public loos or you lose the confidence to drive or your local library or pub has shut.

So loneliness can be both emotional and/or social and of course can be felt by people of all ages but as we get older the risk factors that might lead to loneliness begin to increase and with it come all of the physical health and mental health issues that are overwhelming our Doctors surgeries and hospitals. The statistics are not great and we hope our weekly get together can play a small part in the solution in Luton.

No one wants to grow old and no one wants to be lonely. We hope that every Wednesday morning our over 50’s have a reason not to be. So we are really encouraging everyone to come along if you want a bit of company or maybe bring along your elderly relative or neighbour for the first time to overcome any shyness or nerves.We are sure after their first visit they will want to visit the Kenny every week whether they are a football fan or not as lots of the activities we plan will have nothing to do with football.

Anyone over 50 can simply turn up on the day and for further information on upcoming activities at the social club please contact the Hatters Community Trust office on 01582 561 622 or email [email protected].