Premier League Primary Stars uses the appeal of the Premier League and professional football clubs to inspire children to learn, be active and develop important life skills.

Available to every primary school in Luton and Bedfordshire, it inspires girls and boys aged 5-11 in the classroom, the playground and on the sports field. Teaching materials cover subjects from English and Maths to teamwork and PE, with free to download activity ideas, worksheets, lesson plans, fun assemblies and exclusive videos.

Learning is connected to the real world of sport to enthuse pupils when tackling challenging PSHE topics such as resilience, diversity, self-esteem and fair-play and our sports and educational staff work with teachers to deliver fun, educational sessions in a range of subjects within local partner schools.

Competitions range from national football tournaments, to creative writing and reading challenges for reluctant readers.

Premier League values underpin everything on offer, encouraging children to:
Be ambitious – work hard and never give up on their goals
Be inspiring – set a great example to others
Be connected –work well with others and in a team
Be fair – treat people equally and think of others

The easy to use resources, which link to the national curriculum, have been developed in partnership with primary school teachers and subject experts, such as the PSHE Association and National Literacy Trust.

Club support and online resources are also designed to help primary school teachers improve their confidence and skills in delivering PE lessons.

Registered schools will have the opportunity to apply for free kit and equipment and books from celebrated children’s authors. All schools that register receive a free values incentive pack with stickers and certificates to reward positive behaviour and achievements.
To find out how your school can get involved please call James Hatch at the community offices on 01582 561 622 or email for further information.


PLPrimary Stars [LINK HERE]