The Luton Town FC Community Trust is a registered charity proud to represent Luton Town Football Club in the local community. The Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered as a charity on 5 March 2008 with the Charities Commission. 

Follow link below on Charities Commission website to find our registered information:

The Trust is committed to providing a range of community services to the people of Luton & Bedfordshire that seek to use the power of football to make a positive difference in the areas of sports participation, education, health and social cohesion.

As well as the Charities Commission, the Trust is regulated by the English Football League Trust and Premier League Charitable Trust in areas covering Safeguarding, Data Protection and Health and Safety.

Our financial Accountants and Independent Examiners are Foxley Kingham Chartered Accountants, 260-270 Butterfield, Great Marlings, Luton, LU2 8DL.